Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My big decision

I've been outside today potting my little baby sweet basils.  I grew them from seeds and have been waiting ever so patiently for them to get two inches tall so I could put them in their own pots.  I can't put them in the front of the house with all of my other herbs yet as they are too tiny and the cats will just make a bed out of them.  I put them in the greenhouse in the backyard until I can go out and find little sticks to poke in the soil so the cats won't roost in the dirt.  I've discovered in the past that this method works quite well.  A few days ago I potted a bunch of calendula that I grew from seeds in two long rectangle pots and had to poke sticks in the dirt all around them to ward off cats and that did the trick.  It looks kind of silly, but at least in a few weeks I'll have a bunch of pretty flowers to enjoy looking at while I drink my coffee in the morning.  Then I'll cut the flowering tops off and use them to make tea.  I can't wait. 

Oh!  I was going to tell you about the big decision I made yesterday.  My sister, Vannoy, and her daughter, Lin, are taking one of their many homeopathic courses and were getting ready to sign up for more courses and I gave it a lot of thought and decided I would do that course with them.  I signed up last night and will soon begin taking more homeopathic courses.  I believe I'll take another one after I finish this one.  I'm so excited.  I can't believe I'm going back to school.....again.  After college, I said, "No more school!  I'll never take another course."  So much for never.  Herbs are something I've been dabbling in for 20 years, so what better courses to take than something that you're really interested in.  Besides, it's going to be fun getting my hands on and reading all of those awesome herbal books. 

I better start cooking.  I've gotta take two of my grandsons to baseball practice in a little bit and have tons to do before I leave.  You know what?  I think I'm going to like having a blog.  :)

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