Thursday, August 2, 2012

Tinctures almost ready to decant

Jars of tincture waiting to be decanted
A month ago, I had a blog post titled, "Grasshoppers Galore" that told about my devastation when I realized grasshoppers had eaten most of my herbs. I cut what herbs I could rescue and went tincture insane. I made tinctures out of all of it. Seems like I was in a hurry that day and making tinctures was the easiest route to take. I open my herbal supply closet all the time and stare at my jars of tincture because they're so pretty. It's been four weeks and four days since I made them and I'm so excited for the day to come when I can decant them. There are seven different kinds of tincture: thyme, rosemary, calendula, lemon verbena, bee balm, lemon balm, and oregano.
I've included a list below of what I plan on using my tinctures for.
Thyme has so many different uses, but I'll use the tincture mostly for allergies, coughs, and stomach cramps.
I will use the rosemary tincture to relieve stress, as it is an herb that "raises the spirits." Rosemary will also be used to treat headaches and mild depression. I have a lot of grandchildren and will use it many times on wounds, cuts, and scrapes, and also as a liniment to treat muscle spasms and rheumatism.
The calendula tincture will be used to treat inflamation of the digestive system, fevers, flu, stomachaches, and cramps. I'll also use it on cuts, wounds, scrapes, and as a liniment to relieve muscle spasms.
Lemon verbena will be used to relieve abdominal discomfort. It has also been used as a mild sedative.
Bee balm is going to be used for coughs, nausea, and sore throats. It has also been used as a mild sedative.
Lemon balm will be used to relieve anxiety and mild depression.
The oregano tincture is going to be used for respiratory problems such as coughs, asthma, and bronchitis.

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