When I was a teenager, I discovered cactus. Within no time, I had 113 different cactus growing in the living room. My parents were very tollerant of my new hobby and my unusual love of cactus. I had so many pots that my dad finally had to build this big stand with a bunch of shelves for me to have somewhere to set all of my cactus. I've always thought they're beautiful and over the years, I've had many many cactus.
Flowering Cactus |
Two years ago, I bought this cactus and put it in a clay pot so I could raise it in my fountain. During the winter, I bring it in the house so it won't die. The other day I was rewarded with three beautiful flowers that grew out of the top of the cactus. The flowers only lived for three days, but during those three days I really enjoyed looking at the flowers and would make special trips outside to stare at them. There's something about cactus flowers that give them an artificial quality. They look so perfect that it makes them appear fake.
I'm also a sucker for a cactus that's striving to live. When I pass by the cactus section at the store and see a cactus that's been knocked over and has fallen out of its pot, I always have to stop and pick it up and put it back in the pot.....UNLESS, it's the kind of cactus that will leave thousands of horrible little painful stickers in you. Then I'll try to figure out how to put it back in the pot without actually touching it. As I said, I'm a sucker for suffering cactus.
Loving cactus is a painful job.
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